Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Basic Akha Spindling

I'm just back from Woolfest where I was selling our Pure Tinctoria range of natural dye extracts. While there I did some basic spinning teaching for customers of Michael Williams. As a thank you he gave me the pick of any of his spindle! Wow, I chose his lovely Ahka for spinning fine short fibres, such as cotton or guanaco. Here is a video I found of Amelia Garripolli spinning on her Ahka.


Dorothy said...

Enjoy the new spindle! I treated myself to one of Mike's diz and threader, as I also brought back another fleece to prepare.

Willington Weaver said...

I was really pleased with the diz and have a lovely BFL shearling to prepare myself. I don't usually have many fleece, but this year they are coming out of the wood work, so to speak!

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