Well I've spun up one of the Shetland tops I dyed at the demo on Saturday. (Tops 6)
I spun it on Monday and have been knitting a lovely spiral scarf that I was shown in The Hague.
This is the pattern:
Cast on 20 stitches
K one row
*Slip the 1st st, K 8, Yfwd, sl 1 P wise, Turn
P to end (10 st)
Sl 1st st, K 6, Yfwd, sl 1 P wise, Turn
P to end (8st)
Sl 1st st, K 4, yfwd, sl 1 P wise, Turn
P to end (6 st)
Sl 1st st, K 4, (pick up loop under next st and k together with that st, K 1) repeat once, Pick up next loop and k with st. P to end
Repeat from * until desired length is achieved, cast off and secure ends.
It's a really easy and can be knitted in any yarn with any needles! Thanks to Dineke of De Spinners who showed me how!